What are the different types of cyber crimes
- Hacking- Unauthorized intrusion into a computer system
- Denial of service- Depriving the victim of the services he is entitled to access
- Virus attack- Using malicious software to attack the victim’s system
- Software Piracy- Illegal copying of genuine softwares
- Pornography
- Frauds related to credit cards and bank accounts
- Net extortion – involves copying an individual’s or organization’s confidential data to extort money from the victim
- Phishing– It is a technique used to extract confidential data like password etc
- Spoofing– It refers to getting into one’s computer on a network to pretend to have the identity of another computer.
- Cyber stalking– Using the internet to stalk someone
- Salaami Attack– This involves making illegal, minor and unnoticeable changes through computers. For example, a cyber criminal may deduct Rs 10 from thousands of accounts of a bank without most account holders noticing or complaining to the bank about the deduction. The criminal may steal a huge amount through such a crime, without the crime even coming to notice.
A professional and well done cyber investigation should be able to not only identify the source of the intrusion but should also be able to safeguard your system from future attacks. It should involve collection and examination of physical as well as digital evidences to uncover details like where and when and how the intrusion or crime occurred

A cyber crime investigation may involve the following procedures:
Vulnerability Assessment tests– A vulnerability assessment test is aimed at testing and analyzing the client’s network and computer systems in order to identify vulnerabilities in the system. Such a test would bring forth weak spots that require updating and up gradation.
Penetration Testing- This involves both internal and external penetrations testing. External testing tests the network’s Internet-facing assets to protect it from external attacks by outsiders. Internal testing, on the other hand, is aimed at testing the overall security level of the IT infrastructure of the organization from within its network. A common belief is that threats to networks and data often originate from outside an organization. This, however, is more of a myth than a reality. Studies have often shown that such threats are as common from within the organization, as they are from outside sources. This is why, both internal and external penetrations testing are considered to be equally important.
Application Security Testing- With applications becoming more and more common, it has become extremely important to protect the IT infrastructure of the organization from cyber threats and vulnerabilities arising out of the apps. Application security testing is aimed at evaluating the control mechanisms put in place to limit users’ access to data and make them fully secured to use.
Policy and Procedure Review- A strong, well-written network security is one of the most effective and essential tools to ensure security of a network. City Intelligence, a private investigation agency in Delhi, can assist you by reviewing existing policies and procedures and suggesting corrections. We can also help you by writing a new set of policies.
Our team of investigators, forensic experts and IT managers provide our clients end to end solution which includes different services like:
- Reviews of the existing fraudulent activity
- Analysis of the data captured to identify risk areas
- Determining the identity of cyber intruders
- Suggesting recommendations to control frauds
- Implementing solutions to prevent future frauds.
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