Are You Ready To Become A Detective!
Before we proceed towards basic steps of becoming a detective or starting a detective agency in India you must understand the life of the private detective.
What is the real life of a private detective like?
Private Detective work is a profession and not just a trade. Professionalism demands expertise. First one should have aptitude to become a detective. Then he/she should get orientation training from a good institute.
How to become private detective?
The real life of a detective is so uncertain that it cannot be defined. It is not a regular office hour job. The detective should mentally be ready to work like a 24 X 7 shop- available always, open always. There are thrills, excitements and rewards for solving a case. It is not a risky job for life. But it requires alertness all around.
Procedure to start a detective agency in India?
The procedure or process to start a detective agency is outlined during training. First of all the area in which the agency is to be established must be evaluated to assertion which types of investigation are going to be in demand. The city, the state and location are important.
The detective must be confident, after the orientation and training to deliver results to the client. Some places may not be good for cyber crime investigations or enforcement of intellectual property rights. But may be good for pre-matrimonial investigations. The requirement of the end-user society (clients) is prime consideration in acquiring expertise in that field for starting an agency.
Need To Be Familiar with the Modern Day Technology & Devices!
Spy gadgets are used according to the space and environment. The latest spy gadgets include CREDIT CARD AUDIO RECORDERS (AUTOMATIC ), I-PHONES WITH HIDDEN CAMERA, AUDIO WALL CLOCK, VIDEO RECORDERS, and many more which you can easily carry with yourself.
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Rajeev Kumar – CEO, City Intelligence Pvt Ltd
Rajeev Kumar running a leading private detective agency in Delhi with over 24+ years of experience in private and corporate investigations. As a certified member of APDI and WAD, he has successfully solved 4,700+ complex cases across India. His expertise in undercover operations, corporate fraud detection, and advanced surveillance techniques makes him one of the most trusted detective experts in India.
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