This article is basically for those, who are owners of restaurants, retail stores or any business unit where the quality of customer service is considered important. If you are one of those, let me ask you a question:

Do you often feel like, you are not able to understand what is going in your business unit at your absence? How your staff behaves with the customers? Are they able to comply with customer requests or not? Is the price charged by your staff for the goods and services, same as prescribed by you or something else is going on behind your back? 

If you want to know, answer to all these questions, I have just one word for you, which can serve as a key to your quest – MYSTERY SHOPPING

Yes, Mystery shopping is the solution, to help you know the quality of customer experience provided by your enterprise at your absence.


Let’s say Mr. A owns a men’s clothing outlet. He has been running it successfully for the last three years, then after some time he decides to expand his product line by introducing women and children’s clothing as well, under his brand. So, he did that and now after 6 months of his product expansion, he wants to know how well his products are being received by his customers. He wants to know about the entire experience of shopping from his outlet, through a customer’s perspective. He is interested to know whether his employees behave in a professional way with the customers or not and whether his business outlet is following the prescribed rules and regulations or his employees are just white-washing the reality of the scenario for their personal gains. These kind of questions can be answered by using mystery shopping service by private detective agencies.

There is more to this example, so let’s continue where we left. In order to know answers for all his questions, Mr. A opts for mystery shopping service from a private detective agency. That private detective agency sends a special team of members disguised as “customers” to Mr. A’s clothing outlet.

These “customers” observe every little feature of the shop they visit. From the quality of the products to their prices and of course, they also ask a lot of questions to the staff working over there, to know how proficient they are in customer handling. They secretly take some photographs too, in order to support their report and of course, they remain discreet and subtle while conducting this whole assignment.

So, this example shows that using mystery shopping service is not expenditure, but an investment towards a long and successful life of your business enterprise.

Reports provided by mystery shoppers can help one to know everything about their business enterprise from a customer’s point of view and thus, it can help them to make changes accordingly in order to improve the quality of service of their business outlet.

That is why, it will not be wrong to call mystery shopping as a key for customer satisfaction.

If you are looking for a private investigation agency, which can provide you the best mystery shopping service to monitor your  business outlet, contact us – City Intelligence Pvt. Ltd. Now, you know about the key, it’s time to use it for the betterment of your business enterprise.


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