Best Private Detective in Delhi/NCR - 100% Confidential and Reliable Services

Welcome to City Intelligence Pvt. Ltd., your trusted source for investigative services in Delhi/NCR and the surrounding areas. Our experienced and professional team of private detectives is dedicated to providing you with the answers and evidence you need, while maintaining the highest level of confidentiality and discretion.
At City Intelligence Pvt. Ltd, we understand that every case is unique and requires a customized approach. Our detectives have extensive training and experience in a variety of investigation techniques and are equipped with the latest tools and technology to ensure the best results for our clients.
Whether you need assistance with a personal matter such as infidelity or divorce, or a corporate matter such as employee theft or background checks, our team is here to help. We also offer specialized services including cyber investigations, missing persons cases, and surveillance operations. At City Intelligence Pvt. Ltd, we believe in transparency and communication with our clients. We keep you informed every step of the way, and we work closely with you to ensure that we are meeting your needs and expectations. Our goal is to provide you with the answers you need in a timely and professional manner.
If you are in need of private investigation services in Delhi, look no further than City Intelligence Pvt. Ltd. Contact us today to schedule a confidential consultation and see how we can help you get the answers you need.

Private Detective Agency in Delhi

Private Investigation Services



Monitor activities discreetly and effectively with our surveillance services. Whether it's for personal or legal reasons, our skilled investigators employ advanced techniques to gather evidence and protect your interests.

Sting Operations

Uncover the truth and protect your interests with strategic sting operations, empowering you with actionable intelligence and legal recourse.

Matrimonial Investigation

Choosing a life partner? Our investigation helps you discover the truth and avoid surprises. Marry with confidence! Make informed decisions: Gain peace of mind with a thorough investigation for a successful marriage.

Missing Person Investigation

Locate missing persons or individuals with our trace services. Whether it's for personal or legal reasons, our skilled investigators utilize various resources and databases to track down individuals efficiently and effectively.

Loyalty Test

Resolve doubts and protect relationships with loyalty tests, offering clarity and peace of mind in personal or professional matters.

Lie Detector Test

Truth Matters: Delhi Lie Detection Promotes Honesty in Love & Work. Get the Facts: Lie Detector Tests in Delhi Help You See Clearly. Hire City Intelligence For Lie Detector Test

Arranged Marriage Investigations

Know Who You're Saying "I Do" To: Delhi Pre-Matrimonial Checks Verify Important Details for a Lasting Union. Its can be life saving in many cases if you opt pre marriage investigations.

Mobile Phone Data Recovery

Recover valuable data from mobile devices with our mobile phone data recovery services. Our skilled technicians use advanced techniques to retrieve deleted or lost data, ensuring you have access to crucial information when you need it most.

Online Harassment Investigations

Combat online harassment and cyberbullying with our online harassment investigation services. Our experienced investigators track and gather evidence to identify perpetrators and support legal action, ensuring safety and security in the digital world.

Stalking Investigations

Feeling unsafe? Don't live in fear. City Intelligence offers discreet stalking investigations in Delhi to uncover the truth and empower you to take control of your safety. Free Consultation!

Online Dating Fraud Investigations

Protect yourself from online dating scams with our online dating fraud investigation services. Our skilled investigators uncover fraudulent schemes and provide evidence to support legal action, safeguarding your finances and emotional well-being.

Open Source Intelligence

Harness the power of open-source intelligence to support legal and litigation investigations, ensuring comprehensive and legally admissible evidence collection.

Cryptocurrency Fraud Investigations

Protect your investments from cryptocurrency fraud with our cryptocurrency fraud investigation services. Our experienced investigators track and analyze transactions to uncover fraudulent activity and protect your assets.

Female Detective Services

Benefit from our female detective services for sensitive and discreet investigations. Our female detectives offer a unique perspective and approach, ensuring confidentiality and empathy in every case.

Digital Infidelity

Address concerns about digital infidelity with our digital infidelity investigation services. Our expert investigators uncover online activities and provide evidence to support relationship decisions, ensuring trust and transparency.

Cyber Crime Investigator

Combat cyber threats with our cybercrime investigation services. Our specialized investigators track and analyze digital evidence to identify perpetrators and mitigate risks, safeguarding your online assets and reputation.

Tenancy Fraud Investigations

Prevent fraudulent tenancy practices with our tenancy fraud investigation services. Our thorough investigations uncover fraudulent behavior and provide evidence to support legal action, protecting property owners and tenants alike.

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